You will oversee a dynamic team of electricians with regards to electrical safety and legislative standards.
You will be part of a team of officers responsible for the council’s electrical safety accreditations which ensures electrical work is carried out to the highest standards. Also, you will ensure that buildings M&E systems are repaired, maintained, and/or modified to the highest possible standards with due regard being paid to Legislation, Council Policies, Statutory Regulations and Standing Orders.
What can Bradford offer you?
Please refer to the Job Profile for full details of the requirements of the post.
If you require any further information please contact Jim Dickerson on 01274 437593 or email:
Closing date: 21st April 2024
The Code of Practice on the English language requirement for public sector workers, Part 7 of the Immigration Act 2016, requires that Councils ensure that all candidates applying for customer facing posts must be assessed in order to establish their fluency in English.
The criteria under special knowledge and experience on the job profile which is shown in this advert, outlines what level of fluency you will be expected to demonstrate. Therefore, it is essential that you provide examples in your application.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is at the heart of what we do as a Council and the people we support. We have a number of self-directed Staff Networks (Disability, LGBTQ+, Race Equality, Women’s Voice, Working Carers and Young Persons) which assist in providing a voice and support mechanism to colleagues.
The RESPECT Allyship Programme is also available to all staff, which offers opportunity to learn more about the diverse communities & groups, and provides additional benefits and resources to its members. This is part of the RESPECT Campaign, which is the Council’s Internal Equalities Vision for staff and its ambition to build an truly inclusive workforce, where everyone can be their true selves at work.
To apply please click the Apply Now link below.