


Waste Operations and Contract Manager

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£52,571 - £55,800 Per Annum
OCH / Waterfall Lane Depot / Shidas Lane Depot
Job Type
Full Time

You will lead and develop the borough’s waste collection, disposal and street cleansing contract. This is a fantastic opportunity to contract-manage a high-profile resident critical service and lead on a range of exciting service transformation projects that will deliver lasting change for Sandwell.

Working with Serco our contractor, you will ensure the provision of consistent and reliable quality services to more than 130,000 households whilst ensuring services reflect best practice and innovation.

You’ll need to be articulate and ambitious with a track record of high performance with relevant waste management and contract management experience and knowledge.

You will provide visible leadership and management, with effective strategic planning, operational performance, contract management, ensuring that the services commissioned by the Council are delivering desired outcomes and achieving best value for Sandwell residents.

To apply please click the Apply Now link below.

Apply for Waste Operations and Contract Manager
This role expires 16/04/2024.
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